The End Is Near
November 08, 2001
Season 5 of DBZ is nearing it's end... Just how close is
it to the finish? There are only two episodes of DBZ
left after today's episode, "Meal Time." They will
continue to rerun episode's this Wednesday with "Warriors
of the Dead," the first episode of this season.
There is a good chance although not that great that the final
DBZ Season (6), will be shown as early as Spring of next year.
Currently I have no idea where they are as far as dubbing
DBZ goes. But back in September when the new DBZ season just
began to air on CN we received a leak from a credible sources
which basically told us that FUNi was at that point dubbing
the episodes with Vegetto in it. That's very close to the
end (about 10-15 episodes before the end).
This means that dubbing time will most certainly not be a
problem if FUNi and CN want to release it during the Spring.
However, it seems to be a CN tradition to show new episodes
of DBZ during the Fall.
In the end we really can't eliminate any possibilities until
more information is leaked or FUNi and CN decide to make an
announcement. One thing is for sure though, we will see Season
6 next year.
Nazmune- Editor-in-Chief