The Review
Today's episode recaps with Trunks heading back to
his own timeline to do battle with the evil androids
of his future.
…and in the future, the androids are laying waste to
another section of city while people flee and hide behind
whatever they can. The two are having a wonderful time
causing senseless destruction and violence.
Then Trunks gets home.
His first stop… Momma's!
Trunks speaks with his mom and tell her about what
Yamcha told him about his dad going ballistic when Cell
killed him. Bulma seemed quite surprised…
But the reunion is cut short… over the radio, there
is a broadcast about the androids doing their dirty
little deeds and causing havok. So Trunks, being the
new man he is, doesn't hesitate with the task of destroying
Back to the city… an old guy tries to shoot 17, but
guess who's there to stop him?
That's right… TRUNKS!
Now, lets not forget that Trunks has spent the equivalent
of almost 2 years in the "Hyperbolic Time Chamber" (I
wonder if they made that up themselves or hired some
physics consultant to give it a cool name…) and is technically
stronger than Vegeta, but just not as battle hardened…
So what do you think happens?
(Survey Says…. Trunks kicks the crap out of them and
destroys both of them in a record 4 ½ minutes… the fastest
battle I have yet seen in DBZ.)
But there's one more problem,… Cell. In his first form…
Problem? What would that be?
Trunks now knows about how Cell killed him to get
to his time machine, so this time, Trunks was ready.
So we get yet another battle.
And Trunks kills him in about 7 minutes….
The Review
Well, I had to watch the International Channel's version
of this exact episode, as I had a last minute engagement
pop-up, so I don't know how much FUNi may have cut out,
but I will assume ZERO, because any editing would have
made this already short episode even shorter.
One question: If Trunks has aged a year AT LEAST, has
had his hair grow out TWICE, and looks more like a man
during the Cell Games:
How in the universe does a simple haircut make him
look as young as he did when he first came to the
past? Does this bother anyone else? Sure he would
have shorter hair, but he would have retained his
older face. He kept is buffed-up body… why not the
Its really stupid mistakes like this that KILL the
believability of the animation. This tells me that the
original animators didn't think too much. I will say
that they TRIED to correct the problem mid-episode,
by sort of mixing the facial features of the two respective
ages, combines with the newly straight-up Super-Saiyan
hair, but it was too little too late.
Other than that it was okay, but that really miffs
4 Dragon Balls out of 7
Yippie! Fight Fight Fight! There was a lot of yummy
fighting in this episode, and some of the choreography
was very clever. The emphasis on Trunks' speed was very
good and absolutely trashing the androids was great!
I only hope this was ported over into the American Version.
Have you ever heard the original Japanese Music Score
for DBZ? I know the fellow DBZN Staff has, but I'm not
sure if the readers who regularly read this do.
Let me put it to you like this:
The DBZ Original Music, is very… happy. Even during
the tense moments, the "serious" music in the Japanese
score is still relatively tame…. Their just playing
at lower octave.
It is cool in the respect that you get to see the original
opening for DBZ, with their number one hit, "CHA-HEAD
(which by the way you can download from us in the MUSIC
section of our website…You know you want to… give into
the pressure…)
All of this means that even during the action and the
battles, you still get the feeling that "this is just
a cartoon" and not some all important struggle that
FUNi has recently done an excellent job of conveying.
But its original, its how the series was intented.
But since its not on the CN version, I will not score
this section, but this will serve as a "horizon broadener"
Sorry, its Japanese. I took Chinese in College for
a semester! I might have been able to pick up something
if it was in Mandarin, but alas…
Alright,… this is the only DBZ episode I know of thus
far that has had not ONE, but TWO Complete battles in
a single episode. This means that the fight started
and ended with a victor.
The one thing that I always wondered about DBZ was
single handedly thrown out the window on this episode.
Good for DBZ! I loved it.
4 Dragon Balls out of 7
Wonderfull. The action really saved the day. Not A
Hero's Farewell, mind you, but still good.
The Celestrian gives today's Multi-Cultural episode
a customary bow and a
5.5 out of 7