Today's episode starts
off right back in the battle field. Gohan and Cell continue
their fight, pause for along time, think, and fight
again routine. Cell literally goes nuts over the fact
that a little Saiyan (Gohan) is actually stronger then
him. He loses a lot of the calm and relaxed attitude
he had in the past couple of episodes. After Cell sees
that his physical attacks aren't working he uses some
moves by the other Z warrions. At first he uses Krillins
Kienzien which can cut almost everything in half. For
the first time in DBZ history someone actually catches
and holds this attack. Gohan seems to do be able to
do this without breaking a sweat.
Cell freaking out, jumps
up and does Piccolo's Makkankosappo (Screw Beam of the
Devil). Somehow FUNimation translated this to "Special
Beam Cannon." Gohan deflects it easily with one
hand as the other Z warriors stare in amazement. Next
Cell flies away moving higher and higher. While Gohan
just stands their staring up, Krillin says that he believes
that the tables have turned and Cell has flew away scared.
Just after he says that we see a huge light and the
scene shifts to Cell as he form the Kamehameha. Cell
proudly screams out that he will destroy the earth,
now we see all the Z warriors fearing the worst. Even
Gokou believes that this is the end...
Gohan continues
to just stare at Cell as he charges up a huge Kamehameha
blast. Cell finally fires his planet destroying behomoth
of Kamehameha at Gohan scaring everyone on the surface.
Gohan is still just staring until the blasts is right
above him. Then he retaliates with his own Kamehameha.
Although much smaller then Cell's blast it overpowers
Cell's until it becomes extremely large and eats up
all of Cell's blast. The next part reminds you of the
scene where Gokou's spirit bomb hit Freeza way back
in the Freeza Saga.
At this point everyone
is buried in sand (this includes Gokou) because of the
enormous power of Gohan's blast hitting Cell's just
blew them all away. Krillin thinks Cell is dead until
Gokou senses Cell's ki. We see Gohan still staring up
at Cell who has lost his arm, parts of the top of his
head, and a major portion of both his legs. The Z warriors
start talking about Cell's ability to regenerate because
he has Piccolo's DNA in him. Then Gokou screams to Gohan
to kill him before he regenerates. Gohan says that he
will wait to watch Cell suffer. Cell regenerates then
uses a lot of his power to become much larger then his
present size. He attacks Gohan but can't do much because
of the slowdown by caused by his huge body. Gohan easily
beats him up in this form.
Cell starts to look sick
as if he is about to throw up. Just then android 18
pops out of his body. Loosing a great power within him.
Thus another episode ends...
This is one of those
episodes I really enjoyed, the animation for the most
part was superb. The style and lighting effects were
quite different from the Freeza saga. Like the Celestrian
said they must have gotten a whole new team to do the
drawing. The way everyone's face and clothing is drawn
has improved as well as their detail. Muscles on arms
have gone much larger since the last saga.
The voice acting was pretty
good but not the best I have heard in the show. The
music was okay and some parts were good while others
weren't so good. The one thing I really disliked was
the amount of editing done to these episodes. They are
quite violent and there is a lot of cutting as far as
the scenes go. Overall however, I really like this one.
Ratings Out of Seven