Last Ditch
Effort (Episode 122)
The Summary
Our episode picks up with Krillin standing on
the road watching the Androids leave as he thinks to himself
how he will to get to Goku in time. Just then he realizes
that the rest of the Z warriors are lying battered on the
rocks. He then hurries down to give them all senzu beans,
seeing Vegeta with his broken arm and in bad shape Krillin
comments that he might have to give Vegeta a couple of them.
With the Z warriors now revived, they speak
amongst themselves about how powerful the androids were, and
that even all of them combined were no match for the two of
them. Vegeta, thinking about how he was defeated, flies away
in rage. Trunks is about to stop him when Piccolo stops him.
Krilling also reveals that everyone (except Vegeta, or so
Krillin thinks) knows who he is, and that he is from the future.
(Woopi) After some more talk about Vegeta and his bruised
pride, they all come to the agreement that they have to get
to Goku before the androids do, but Piccolo, has other ideas.
He won't tell the troop, and very strangely blasts off and
threatens Tien, Krillin and Trunks not to follow him. Everyone
but Krillin is surprised, and he explains that Piccolo is
planning to reunite with Kami to become a "Super Namek"
Well after a cut, (actually this is the second,
but I lump them together for the review to make sense) we
are back at Master Roshi's Kami House, where he and Krillin's
girlfriend, Marron are watching a soap opera, which has some
very humorous dialogue, especially if you despise daytime
TV. However, after this is over, all these guys show up and
keep calling for Marron (I think I counted somewhere in the
vicinity of 20). Interestingly they all turn out to be Marron's
other boyfriends! Poor Krillin, but isn't that always how
that works… So Marron leaves and hopefully is gone from this
series for a long long long long long long long long time.
Also during this time, Gohan, Bulma, Yajirobe,
and Baby Trunks finally arrive at Bulma's house (IT'S ABOUT
TIME!!!). Bulma's mother offers cake and cookies to Gohan,
who has to refuse and ends up flying to see his dad.
We also have a scene where Vegeta is flying
and brooding over his defeat. He yells to himself that the
androids should have finished him off and that he will make
them pay for making a fool out of him. Same old Vegeta…
We then cut back to Future Trunks, Tien, and
Krillin flying on their way to Goku's talking about how long
the medicine will take to cure Goku of his virus. The reply…10
days. Yep, count em' TEN. I desperately hope that this doesn't
mean that Goku is going to continue to be sick and out of
action for another 10 episodes, but that would not surprise
me. They also talk about their chances with Goku and Piccolo,
and how they are all going to need the help they can get.
(Another Cut) As this is occurring, we see Piccolo
flying to Kami's place, and a quick flash to Kami himself,
who knows that he is coming to merge. We then have Kami recount
how he and Picolo became different people in the first place,
and also a recap of how Goku defeated King Piccolo, and as
a result Piccolo preserved his essence by putting it into
a single egg, from which the Piccolo we all know and love
came to be.
With that Piccolo arrives, and faces Kami, and
here is where the episode ends for today.
The Review
Well, before I make the review I would like
to say this… I LOVED Tuesday's, Wednesday's and Thursday's
episodes, but alas I do not review those day's. Then comes
today's episode. I know that this was another transitory episode
and I did not expect to see action, nor did I care. However,
today's episode quality wise was not the same as the previous
On the plus Marron is gone, Gohan finally got
Bulma & Baby Trunks home, and maybe now we can start getting
some more things going on. The voices are better as some of
the other staff members have pointed out, and the music is
still pretty "okay". I also enjoy Master Roshi's "virility"
when it comes down to it.
I also liked the DB flashback with Goku and
Piccolo, which I think is important from time to time because
then the newcomers to the show will get some background information,
and this scene actually provided some decent (if recycled)
action for today's episode.
However, I still was not completely satisfied
with this episode, I wish the music was a little better, some
of the dialogue (ESPECIALLY when they were talking about Vegeta
and the androids for 10 minutes) was more meaningfull, realistic
and less repetitive.
Other than that, it still was fairly entertaining.
The Final Word: It seems that I am the
bearer of bad DBZ review news, and have never been able to
say. "What a good episode," and unfortunately today is no
different. Though it was better than some of the others I
reviewed, the repetitive and shallow dialogue ("Don't tell
Krillin Marron was here, I don't think he would be able to
take it… BLAHCK!) really hurt this one. I just hope that Funimation
works on the dialogue content in the future.
The Celestrian Gives today's episode: 3.9/5
(Almost Funimation, but work on the dialogue PLEASE!)
-The Celestrian DBZN